How to insert signature in word doc
How to insert signature in word doc

Also, note that date is recorded when you sign and it appears on the top right of the box. To sign you can double-click on it and browse to select the signature image you scanned. Once done you should see the signature area is ready.

how to insert signature in word doc

This tool asks you for the names and position of the person who is going to sign.

  • You will see a screen below which you can call it as Signature Creating tool.
  • Select an area where you want the signature box to appear.
  • Add handwritten signature using Signature Line. When you insert a PNG file in the document it looks like you have signed it actually. You can also use the Crop image tool in Word to cut out signature part of an already existing document. The format makes sure that the background is clear. You can have it scanned and save it as PNG file.
  • Create a signature either by scanning an actual signature or use Draw tool.Ĭreate a signature either by scanning an actual signature or use Draw tool.īefore digitally signing a document, you will need to have your signature file ready.

    How to add handwritten signature in Office Word Document In this post, I will share how you can add handwritten signature in Office Word Document. This signature feature also lets the third party signature plugin to be used in Office Word. This tool is available under Insert > Signature Line which is at the corner of the ribbon menu. Many a time you need to ask for a handwritten signature and if you are using Microsoft Office Word you can use the Signature Line feature.

    How to insert signature in word doc