Should be pretty fun, right? Guess again. But hey, you get to bring it to New Vegas, the biggest, brightest city in the wasteland. You? You're The Courier, one of the best messengers around, as long as the package isn't too big. That's all somebody else's problem, though.

But that may not be the case forever: two superpowers, the rising federation of the New California Republic and the slaving horde of Caesar's Legion, have begun staking claims in the region, coming to blows over Hoover Dam, and New Vegas is caught in the crossfire. Some even say he rules the city to this day, from his shining tower at the Lucky 38 Casino. House, a pre-war business mogul who prepared Las Vegas for the Great War. It doesn't have as many problems as most places do thanks to Mr. It's 2281, and the Mojave Wasteland is an okay place to live. Like its predecessor, New Vegas is a first-person (with optional third person) Action RPG. Thus, in a way, New Vegas serves as more of a direct sequel to Fallout 2 than the actual Fallout 3, wrapping up the region's Myth Arc while opening up new possibilities for future stories. A good chunk of the development team were exiles from the late Black Isle Studios - responsible for Fallout 2 and the canceled Van Buren - and the game returns to the west coast setting of the originals. Released in 2010, it chronologically takes place after Fallout 3, but it is not the next numbered main game in the series. those top comments have additional instructions that really help smooth out the experience.Fallout: New Vegas is the fifth (canonical) game in the Fallout series, developed by Obsidian Entertainment and produced by Bethesda. The only thing I really did differently was looking at the post pages and reading through the top comments. And it’s my first time modding this game. I got New Vegas with updated textures and stuttering fixes and all that good stuff and it’s running at 60 frames per second buttery smooth.
Nexus mods fallout new vegas autum leaves mod#
Make sure you read every single mod description for installation instructions and also check the post’s page for additional installation tips and common errors from people.
Nexus mods fallout new vegas autum leaves download#

(I have lots of experience modding Skyrim special edition and Fallout 4 as well) all of my instructions below and do as much reading material as you can for each instruction. You need to make sure that you’re downloading the right files and cleaning up. Just downloading and installing mods with a manager is going to give you crash to desktop most of the time. Modding takes a lot of practice and there’s a lot of techniques to master. Honestly the best thing you can do is a lot of research. I got everything running real smooth aside from neck seams which I need to go back and fix. I actually just bought and modded New Vegas for the first time yesterday. I use mod organizer and highly recommended it. Download some mods for nexus mod launcher and launched fnv via the launcher but when I load my save none of my mods are there they do not work? (by this I mean it is as if the game has no mods none are working).